1898 – Building on Henri Becquerel’s
discovery of spontaneous radioactivity two years earlier the husband-and-wife
team of Pierre and Marie Curie discovered Radium. Marie Particularly figured
out how to separate it from its radioactive residues.
1929 – APT and AED Developer
Doug Ross Born
Douglas T.
Ross is born in Canton, China. He received an AB from Oberlin College in 1951
and an SM from MIT in 1954. He worked with John Ward on the Cape Cod Air
Defense System Project, held many positions at MIT, including head of the
Computer Applications Group at the Electronic System Laboratory, and was
project engineer for the MIT Computer-Aided Design project. He developed APT
(Automatically Programmed Tools) – now an international standard – and AED (Automated
Engineering Design) projects which were early precursors of the languages and
system of modern CAD and CAM systems. These projects were run in close
connection with the Whirlwind, TX-0, TX-2, Project MAC, and CTSS.
1937 – Snow White Premieres
Walt Disney premiers the animated film
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was the first full-length animated feature
film taking 3 years and nearly $1.5 million to produce, a massive amount for a
feature film in 1937. Walt Disney had to mortgage his house to help finance the
1968 – Integrated Circuits
Used in Moonshot
Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) was responsible for guidance, navigation, and
control computations in the Apollo space program. The AGC was the first
computer to use integrated circuit logic and occupied less than 1 cubic foot of
the spacecraft. It stored data in 15 bit words (with one parity bit) and had a
memory cycle time of 11.7 microseconds. Astronauts communicated with the AGC
using the “DSKY” (Display Keyboard). It used digital displays and communicated
with astronauts using verb and noun buttons, and a two-digit operation and
operand code.
The AGC and DSKY from
part of The Computer History Museum permanent collection.
2000 – Child Internet
Protection Act into Law
Bill Clinton signs the Child Internet Production Act into law. The law is
implemented to set rules for the web to expose them to pornography and sexual
content. In 2003 the law will be challenged, but will be upheld.
COPA required websites with “material harmful to minors” to
restrict their sites access with proof of age. “Material harmful to minors” was
defined as material. This included sexual acts or nudity.
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