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Today in Tech History – November 29

1777 – The Spanish founded California’s first civilian settlement called Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe. It would become the future state’s first capital and eventually the heart of Silicon Valley.

1910 – The first US patent for a traffic signal system was issued to Ernest E. Sirrine. It switched an illuminated sign between the words “stop” and “proceed.”

1972First Pong Machine
             Andy Cappa’s tavern in CA was the site for the first Pong game was wheeled into the establishment. The coin-operated game was put in by Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell and game designer AL Alcorn. The duo decided that making their own game – rather than having 3rd parties do it – would help keep costs down. They then turned on old Roller rink and converted to a production line. Pong was the first successful video game system.

1974 – The January issue of Popular Electronics was published featuring the Altair 8800 microcomputer from Micro Instrumentation Telemetry System in Albuquerque, New Mexico on the cover. For $439 you got everything you needed to build a computer in one kit boasting 256 bytes of memory!

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