1777 – The Spanish founded
California’s first civilian settlement called Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe.
It would become the future state’s first capital and eventually the heart of
Silicon Valley.
1910 – The first US patent for a
traffic signal system was issued to Ernest E. Sirrine. It switched an
illuminated sign between the words “stop” and “proceed.”
1972 – First Pong Machine
Andy Cappa’s tavern in CA was the
site for the first Pong game was wheeled into the establishment. The
coin-operated game was put in by Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell and game
designer AL Alcorn. The duo decided that making their own game – rather than
having 3rd parties do it – would help keep costs down. They then
turned on old Roller rink and converted to a production line. Pong was the
first successful video game system.
1974 – The January issue of Popular
Electronics was published featuring the Altair 8800 microcomputer from Micro
Instrumentation Telemetry System in Albuquerque, New Mexico on the cover. For
$439 you got everything you needed to build a computer in one kit boasting 256
bytes of memory!
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