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Today in Tech History – July 31
1910Dr. Hawley Crippen was arrested when the boat he was on docked on Quebec. He was the first person to be caught as a result of a wireless telegraph.

1971First Man to Drive on the Moon
             Using the battery-powered Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), Astronaut David Scott of the Apollo mission becomes the first person to drive a vehicle on the Moon. The LRV was used during the last three missions to the Moon, Apollo 15, 16, and 17. The three LRVs used during the mission still remain on the surface of the Moon.

1976NASA issued a press release describing one photo taken by Viking 1 on Mars as resembling “a human head.” Conspiracy theories about the face on Mars still run today, though close-up pictures from the Mars Express mission have debunked most of them.

1980TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Pocket Released
             Radio Shack released a few new TRS-80 line computers in 1980. One was the introduction of Model III. It contained a Zilog Z80 processor and 4kb of RAM> The price was only $699. Then again, you could get the TRS-80 for $399 with the Motorola 6809E CPU or the TRS-80 Pocket computer for $230.

1996SGI Tom Jermoluk Resigns, Becomes CEO of @Home
             SGI Chief Operating Officer Tom Jermoluk resigned to become CEO of @Home, a company building a high-speed backbone for transmission of information over the Internet. Jermoluk’s  move showed the turmoil still present at Silicon Graphics, which had been one of the star computer software companies before seeming to take a number of missteps that made its profits plunge and its management fluid.

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