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Today in Tech History – August 31
1897 – Thomas Edison received a patent for the kinetographic camera, the forerunner of the motion picture film projector.

1994Aldus and Adobe System Finalize Merger
             Aldus Corp. and Adobe System Inc. finalized their merger. The two companies hoped to combine forces in creating powerful desktop publishing software, building on the field Aldus founder Paul Brainerd had created in 1985 with his PageMaker software. PageMaker was one of the three components to the desktop publishing revolution. The other two were the invention of the Postscript by Adobe and the LaserWriter laser printer from Apple. All three were necessary to create a desktop publishing environment.

1997 – The developer release of Apple’s new OS, code name Grail1Z4/Titan1U was released. It was known formally as Rhapsody and would evolve into OS X.

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