1899 – AT&T Takes Over Bell System
American Bell, at the time parent
corporation of the AT&T company, recognizes and transfers its assets into
AT&T. American Bell was incorporated in Massachusetts and AT&T was
incorporated in New York. Massachusetts corporate laws would have limited the
growth of American Bell so by reorganizing, AT&T could bypass Massachusetts
law by becoming the parent company of American Bell and the Bell System.
Eventually AT&T would become a legalized monopoly in the United States.
2004 – Facebook Registers One Millionth User
The one million user register at
social networking website Facebook By the end of 2012 Facebook had over 1
billion active users despite a plethora of new players entering the arena on a
regular basis. Although it was initially conceived of a private network for US
college students, it sustained rapid growth among American youth and eventually
within all demographic sectors and soon commanded a worldwide user base. It has
had trouble gaining a foothold in China, however, where government monitoring
and restrictions, in addition to a number of homegrown social networking sites,
limited Facebook’s presence in the region.
2008 – Does Facebook Allow Breastfeeding?
Facebook made an initiative to
remove any picture showing breastfeeding. In return, 11,000 women posted
pictures in protest.
On June
15, 2014, after the #FreeTheNipple campaign brought success, Facebook
officially changed their stance on the subject. According to their “Does
Facebook Allow Brestfeeding” FAQ page: yes.
We agree that breastfeeding is natural and beautiful and were glad to know that
it’s important for mothers to share their experiences with others on Facebook.
The vast majority of these photos are compliant with our policies.
policy also states if people complain or its too questionable, they have the
right to remove the photos. Basically, the baby must be fully engaged in the
feeding so the nipple is covered.
There is
still a lot of controversy surrounding this issue.
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