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Today in Tech History – April 8

1953 – The major studios were inspired by the 1952 3D hit “Bwana Devil.” Columbia beat Warner’ “House of Wax” to the theatre, with a New York City premiere, making “Man in the Dark” the first 3D motion picture produced and released by a major studio.

1959 - The Creation Of COBOL
       The World knows Grace Murray Hopper as the Inventor of COBOL Programming Language. It was on this day that the Pioneering Computer Scientist led a team of Computer Manufacturers, Users and Academicians which eventually developed COBOL.    

1983 – Steve Jobs Sculley as CEO
             John Sculley, who was president of PepsiCo at the time, decides to leave to become president and CEO to leave to become president and CEO of Apple Computer at request of Steve Jobs. Sculley’s campaign of “the Pepsi gain market share over Coca Co. Steve Jobs wanted that passion so he could beat IBM. Sculley was responsible for incorporating the PowerPC chip in Mac computers. John Sculley took the 800 million dollar in sales to 8 billion. Tension ultimately took it’s toll, as Sculley was forced out in 1993 and was replaced by Gil Amelio.

1991 - Java Development Begins in Earnest
       On this day, Sun's Java team moves from Sun Microsystems to work in secret on its "Oak" development project (later re-named Java). 

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